Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Temporary air

We breath but temporary air. Seeing the fleeting sites of this dying world, ironically we think of it as the only thing that lasts. "Humans come and go but the earth remains the same", this statement lacks the truth for even this world we walk upon is but alas a vanity. We know this world will end. We can feel it within ourselves. Something inside that warns us of the unfortunate future, yet even still so many of us fail to see the underlying statement. It is not to panic, nor to fill our lives with pleasure. It is telling us to make these short times worth while. It is telling us to seize the day, to change the world for better. We must not live our lives in fear of the end, nor should we feel the end is but upon us. No man will know the day or time of which the end will come, yet even still no fear should entire you. For even still the statement stays the same. Live every day with the best of your capability. Take chances, make risks, yet even so be wise. Living wisely is as important as living. A life poorly lived is a life lost to dust, but a life lived with wisdom lives on for eternity.

Enjoy your life, live it wisely, and teach others to do the same.


I am a dreamer. I dream because I want to. I dream because love it. I dream because that is who I am. I have many dreams, and with them many aspirations; however, I do not allow them to stay dreams nor aspirations. I make my dreams realities. I aspire to inspire. There are so many other dreamers in the world, but they seem to think that their dreams are not a possibility. Look around you! This is a world of possibility. Belief and motivation are all that is necessary. Rise up and take the next step. Doing, is dreaming in action. Make it, create it, forge it with fire and aim to inspire others to do the same. Change is easy to make, so make it. Make a change in the way that dreams are viewed. Not as wishful thinking, but possibilities. Make the torch that is passed. Pass the torch you have made. Dreams are powerful, and so are you. So take action. Every day is filled with possibility. Seize it, forge it, and spread the word. I am an active dreamer. Are you?